Thursday, October 9, 2008


I love President Thomas S. Monson! I really enjoyed all he had to say. "Despite the changes which come into our lives, and with gratitude in our hearts, may we fill our days...with those things which matter most." He said we need to find joy in the journey~now, share our joy with friends and family. One day we'll run out of tomorrows.
One of my favorite talks was from Elaine Dalton-General Young Women President. I have a special place in my heart for the young women program. I know it's because I have 4 daughters who I want to grow up to be happy and have integrity. She said that some think that high moral standards are old fashioned and irrelevant in todays society. Deceptions lead youth to be idle, to lose sight of divine identity. Virtuous youth can change the world. She said that with the Lord, we can do anything!
"Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly,then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God."

It was a good day! We had some friends over for breakfast and they went home just before conference started. We all watched it in our jammies. After it was over we went to my mom & dad's for THE BEST fried chicken. I'm not kidding when I say "the best". I love Conference Sunday's. These pictures are so not cute! but this is all we have to work with!


The Fieldings said...

Where did you get that pic of the 1st Presidency? That doesn't look like it was in the conference center.