Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's 9th grade week. She is always dressing up for school!When she has these days, at least she doesn't have to wander from room to room trying to figure out what to wear at night only to do it all over again in the morning. She had crazy hair day, jammie day and today was 80's day. I wish I looked like that in the 80's. I had the big hair and the leggings too. Loren wanted to know if I had big bangs. I could get mine big alright! I had to show her pictures. She laughed.


Steph said... are so matter what you wear or what your hair looks like you look beautiful!! Man..some girls have all the luck! Love you!

Luella said...

Isn't it fun to dress up? You look great Haley! I get to dress up as Pocahontas before Thanksgiving for a Kindergarten performance for the parents. I'll post pictures!