Saturday, December 27, 2008


Emily had her wisdom teeth pulled the day after Christmas. She had her bottom ones pulled when she was 9 so she only had top ones. THREE top ones. Weird huh? She had more wisdom then most. She was sore all day but it all went well.


Anonymous said...

To be so young, and yet so wise! :)
Hope you're feeling better today, Ems! x0x0

Noelle said...

I'm glad it was just her top ones. That's a little bit quicker to recover from. Still, three on top. Not fair. I'm glad Ems is a tough cookie! Feel better soon!

Michelle D. said...

Ems, hope you get feeling better soon. Make sure your mom waits on you hand and foot! :)

The Fieldings said...

I only had one wisdom tooth. Guess that makes you a wiser gal. Hope you feel better soon Emily.