Friday, November 21, 2008


Emily and Lyssi were among those who went to the show at midnight to be the first to see Twilight. The show started at midnight and didn't get home till 3. I didn't sleep well as could be expected. Then after they got home, I was wide awake. I am going to be little miss cranky pants today, I'm sure.
Lyssi said it was the best movie. She is all excited to read the books now. Ems on the other hand, read the books and was a total fan before she saw the movie. If it get's Lyss excited to read~I'm all for it! I think its cool that the author is from Utah, BYU graduate!

Haley & I went to see this late Saturday night. I wasn't really wanting to go but she did and we had some girls going from our ward. It was fun. I knew when the scarey parts were coming, but I had no control. I had a few out-bursts and then realized that if I put my face in Haley's arm pit, I could control myself a little bit. We all liked the movie and it was just like the book. I didn't, however, like that Bella was so willing to do ANYTHING for this boy. I would have but I kept thinking of our girls and putting them in her shoes. I don't want them to have to change their life for anyone. I'm going to stop because I really could go on and on.


Ricci said...

Tam, you should read the books, they are great!! We loved them...Kennedy has read them 2 or 3 times each.

Luella said...

Thank you for mentioning the name, Tammy. I have known about these books that were written by a BYU author, but I didn't know the name. Now I'm going to have to get the books, too!