Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ems Apartment

This is Ems apartment. She shares it with her friend Staci and another girl. It is so cute! I love it! It was so hard for me to let her go. She is only about 40 minutes away but she's not home. I hate locking the door at night w/her not here. But, she needs to spread her they say. She is working and loving it and going to school. I am so proud of her and how responsible she is. She is an angel and will always be my baby!


Noelle said...

Nice digs Emily. Congratulations on your big move.

Steph said...

So exciting!! I can't believe you are OLD enough to have a daughter out on her own! ya!

Luella said...

Yea Emily! I love the apartment, especially the balcony with the great view!

The Fieldings said...

Ooh, Brennan looks like he is forcing a smile for the camera! Must be so hard to see his girl fly the nest.